Gabrielle Jones | Play



200 x 152 cm (Diptych)
Oil and acrylic on canvas


"There is a freedom and ease in these new paintings. I’ve broken down all the “shoulds” and barriers and just painted and painted, to the music necessary for my practice in the studio. I have tried to remain curious, responded to the work, and relaxed. I’m exploring what paint does - trying to push my repertoire and skills and get out of my own way. I’m doing what I want , in the moment and letting the painting, with years of practice and observation of art, take the lead and tell me what it needs. I’m not trying to make a statement or change the world, but entering in to a contract with the painting itself to answer the calls it makes on me, while expressing feelings and ideas using a distinctive style and rhythm. 

Necessarily, over the time it takes to make an exhibition, energy ebbs and flows and I allow the work to reflect this. There are times a darker or deeper voice emerges, or a combination of images referring to experiences or objects in the world; and at others, pure joy in the act (and elements) of painting. I’m trusting myself more than ever before and taking more risks and time with the process and having more fun. I’m recording the result of how I feel, what I am thinking in any given painting session.

In the end, the work is a call to the viewer to enter into the poetry and reality of making art, to collect their mental and sensual responses to the different works -to understand, enhance or orchestrate their sense what it is to make art and specifically, poetic abstract art”.


Gabrielle Jones

An Australian abstract artist with an expansive exhibition history spanning 19 years. In addition to her solo exhibitions across Sydney, Melbourne and Perth and appointment as drawing instructor for the Sydney Biennale Events in 2012, Gabrielle has been awarded a number of art prizes and grants (most recently the NSW Governement Artist Grant), and has been a finalist in the Mosman; Fleurieu Biennale; Duke Gold Coast; Muswellbrook; Paddington; Calleen; Fishers Ghost; Korea Art Foundation; Kedumba and Rick Amor Drawing Prizes. She has held two exhibitions at Grefti Cultural Projects in Italy; had a solo show at Goulburn and Gosford Regional Galleries and will also exhibit at Muswellbrook Art Centre from August31 to October  20, 2019.

Her work has been collected across public Australian institutions (Muswellbrook Regional Gallery, Bundanon Trust), as well as internationally by Fundacion Valparaiso, Spain and Art Scape Organisation, Toronto, and is held in private collections in London, New York, Italy, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Tahiti. Jones’s practice has seen her complete artist residencies abroad in Tahiti, Spain and Canada, as well as locally at the Tweed Regional Gallery and at Bundanon, the former home of Arthur Boyd.

Her paintings have appeared in two juried publications in USA and UK in 2018. Jones completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts with Distinction from the National Art School in 2003.