Harold David | Arcade Where the Futures Not Mine | SOLD Harold David, HAROLD DAVID EX 2022VINCENT DayJuly 5, 2022contemporary
Ashlee Bucholtz | The Happening Mountains Group 7, Ashlee Bucholtz, NA2020VINCENT DayJune 8, 2022Contemporary
Ashlee Bucholtz | Coloured Waters | SOLD Mountains Group 7, Ashlee BucholtzVINCENT DayJune 8, 2022Contemporary
Claire Nakazawa | Never Never Land Mountains Group 7, Claire Nakazawa, NA2020VINCENT DayJune 8, 2022Day GalleryContemporary
Olivia Shimeld | Cloud Sky With Birds | small 3 Olivia Shimeld, NA2020VINCENT DayJune 8, 2022Contemporary, Australian
Eloise Maree | Ginin-ginin-derry I Mountains Group 7, eloise maree, NA2020VINCENT DayJune 8, 2022Contemporary
Eloise Maree | Ginin-ginin-derry III Mountains Group 7, eloise maree, NA2020VINCENT DayJune 8, 2022Contemporary