Kevina-Jo Smith | Climbing and Falling Through the Veil A Hearn KJ Smith 2023, Kevina Jo SmithVINCENT DayJune 2, 2023Contemporary
Kevina-Jo Smith | Climbing and Falling Through Metal A Hearn KJ Smith 2023, Kevina Jo SmithVINCENT DayJune 2, 2023Contemporary
Kevina-Jo Smith | Climbing and Falling Through the Earth A Hearn KJ Smith 2023, Kevina Jo SmithVINCENT DayJune 2, 2023Contemporary
Kevina-Jo Smith | Climbing and Falling Through the Door A Hearn KJ Smith 2023, Kevina Jo SmithVINCENT DayJune 2, 2023Contemporary
Kevina-Jo Smith | Climbing and Falling Through the Air A Hearn KJ Smith 2023, Kevina Jo SmithVINCENT DayJune 2, 2023Contemporary
Kevina-Jo Smith | Resolving Shit Kevina Jo Smith, A Hearn KJ Smith 2023VINCENT DayJune 2, 2023Contemporary
Ruth le Cheminant | Contemplating Country NA2020, Ruth le CheminantVINCENT DayMay 29, 2023Contemporary
Rachel Hannan | Meadows, Mountains, Clouds | SOLD Rachel Hannan May 2023VINCENT DayMay 14, 2023Contemporary
Owen Thompson | The Ruined Castle From Narrow Neck, Katoomba Owen Thompson, NA2020VINCENT DayMay 12, 2023Contemporary
Rachel Hannan | Yellow Grass on the Knoll Rachel Hannan May 2023, Rachel HannanVINCENT DayMay 4, 2023Contemporary