Adriana Seserko | Firestorm


Fire Storm | 2020

Adriana Seserko

76 x 56 cm

Synthetic polymer paint, polymer and epoxy clay on wood panel

“Whether we remain the ash or become the Phoenix is up to us.”††

Ming-Dao Deng

The summer of 2019/2020 will always be remembered for its endless days of scorching heat, hazy smoke filled skies, and for the overwhelming sense of dread that permeated the hearts and minds of Australians everywhere. It was indeed nothing short of hell on earth. 

Australia’s black summer bushfires saw 18 million hectares of land burnt, the loss of 34 human lives, and the deaths of over 1 billion animals. Firestorm aims to portray this dark period and evoke a sense of urgency and alarm through the use of vibrant contrasting colours. A Phoenix, the Black Cockatoo ascends while the raging inferno engulfs all in its path. Will it succumb to the wildfire or escape it’s wrath? The golden cicada dances to the pulse of a dangerous staccato. A fire bug, it exults in the power and desolation of the flames, like those in society who deliberately set fire to the bush. In the aftermath of this ecological catastrophe, what lessons have been learnt? It is important to remember that as long as we choose to ignore and downplay the seriousness of climate change, such natural disasters as wildfires will become more intense and occur more frequently. The future of all life on earth rests within our hands, and nothing is gained without sacrifice. Much has been lost but much can be gained.   




Adriana Seserko

Born: 1990

Adriana has been painting most of her life. Her attention to the finer detail gives her the ability to create beautifully rendered masterpieces.

Her works often engage the viewer with a moral value, she believes strongly in the preservation of our planet and painting provides her with an instrument in which her views can be expressed to the greater community