Adriana Seserko | Neighbourhood Watch


Neighbourhood Watch | 2019

Adriana Seserko

76.5 x 58 cm

Acrylic and ink on paper

Conspicuous, Magpies are curious, intelligent, and highly territorial birds. They announce their arrival with their beautiful and unique song, and are commonly seen throughout suburbia, charming some with their brilliance and antagonizing others with their aggressive behaviour. The magpie’s reputation is widely acknowledged; there are very few among us who haven’t either experienced or heard of the magpie swooping season. It is largely due to this swooping that many have such an uneasy relationship with the bird. In fact, in Canberra, they seem to be the bird that people love to hate. I have witnessed the rather humorous interactions between people and magpies, always commencing with a swooping magpie and ending with a flustered and outraged individual, shouting out inventive expletives and hurling rocks and sticks at the bird. Both usually escape the encounter unscathed, inflated egos taking most of the battering.

I have drawn inspiration from the relationship between people and magpies, using it as a metaphor for mankind’s rocky relationship with the natural world. Unlike the magpie human association which is more often comical than not, the contemptuous and domineering attitude man has for the natural world is serious and with far reaching consequences.





Adriana Seserko

Born: 1990

Adriana has been painting most of her life. Her attention to the finer detail gives her the ability to create beautifully rendered masterpieces.

Her works often engage the viewer with a moral value, she believes strongly in the preservation of our planet and painting provides her with an instrument in which her views can be expressed to the greater community