Daniel O'Toole | Broken Shadows


Broken Shadows | 2019
101 x 81 cm
Synthetic polymer paint on canvas



Daniel O’Toole

Born 1984 – Australia

Negotiating the cross over between painting and the moving image.

Daniel O’Toole is concerned with the flux of light and modulation of colour occurring organically in nature. Light refractions, and the distortion of images have informed a multi- media based practice, where O'Toole reinterprets ephemeral events in an attempt to capture fleeting moments in time.

Video sketches taken from the natural world are transcribed to the physical surface, in the form of paintings. The method for this process of re-interpretation is a combination of digital editing and analogue distortion. Translucent and semi transparent acrylic material is used as a way of modulating light waves to interrupt perception, and create real time refraction effects; a kind of visual reverb.