Adriana Seserko | An Inconvenient Truth


An Inconvenient Truth 2023

Synthetic Polymer on birch panel
80 x 60 cm


With every new artwork, a journey of discovery begins. The concept of each painting derived from a fragment of information, sometimes found in the news, read in articles and online forums, and too viewed and experience from everyday life. The natural world, a woven web of life, never ceases to amaze. One learns just how extraordinary planet earth is, a magic place of wonder. And yet, the road of discovery often leads one down avenues paved in shadow. For all the glory and awe that mother nature offers, there too is a nightmarish reality that undermines and negates the sanctity. It is akin to an army of smoke and shadow. Veiled carefully behind curtains of bureaucratic advocacy, atrocities are committed. And who can we exactly trust? Governments point righteous fingers at the opposition, labelling the other complacent and slow to act, and yet away from the public eye, they allow big money to have their way with mother nature. They are all puppets of the fossil fuel industry preforming on a stage of its making. They care nothing of the people they are sworn in to govern and stupidly follow the mantra, a healthy economy is key to success. Perhaps so, and yet, what price does a thriving economy come at? Our planet is warming at an alarming rate. Its not natural. It’s a symptom of humanity. Projections are grim. It is believed that as soon as 2040, global temperature’s will be 1.5ᵒC hotter than they are now and think, this will occur in less than two decades. With this warming trend, global temperatures are set to increase by 2.7ᵒC by the end of the century. Startling, yes. We should all be alarmed. And why? Our climate is an intricate system balanced to support life on earth. With even a small increase in temperature, equilibrium is disrupted, affecting entire ecosystems with dire circumstances for the entire world. Now we suffer decade long droughts, savage wildfires that burn of the back of record-breaking heat, extensive and deadly floods because even periods of rain no longer follow average trends, mass animal extinction, and the continual thaw of our arctic regions that due to rising temperatures no longer freeze with winters embrace. What then? What will life look like by this century’s end? It is certain that small island nations will have entirely vanished beneath ocean waves as ice caps completely melt. Continents will be altered as our coastal fringes are lost to rising sea levels. Famine will be the reality, as crops wither and livestock perish. What will humanity do as life-giving water becomes scarce and temperatures so extreme that 50 plus degrees becomes the daily average? Will the economy be our god and saviour then? Money cannot buy what no longer exists.

Have you heard about earths permafrost? It is a solid ground layer beneath the earth’s surface that has remained continuously frozen for hundreds and in some cases, thousands of years and covers about 9 million square miles of our planet. It is hardly visible to the naked eye, and it is melting with dangerous consequences. Craters have appeared in Siberia where the earth, no longer stable due to the loss of ground ice has collapsed. As the landscape is altered and compromised, communities will be displaced and fragile ecosystems irrevocably damaged. Like something out of a science fiction horror movie, the ice melt threatens more destruction and further suffering as a deadly secret is locked within its icy grasp. As the permafrost melts this weapon will be unleashed. What might it be? Why only dangerous microorganisms that have been frozen in the ice for thousands of years and that humanity has never been exposed to. It’s a terrifying prospect and we should all be afraid. We thought, after all, that covid was bad.

Here you see I have painted a little arctic fox and yet have not discussed its plight. No surprise, it is too affected, like all the living creatures of this world, by climate change. I have therefore painted this white furry fellow as the face of all the vulnerable. He is now the collective and the weary bearer of the truth. And the truth is, that humanity cannot handle the truth, and as we continue on in apathy and fiddle with the trappings of comfort and wealth, our planet home burns. Alone we are to blame.



Adriana Seserko

Born: 1990

Adriana has been painting most of her life. Her attention to the finer detail gives her the ability to create beautifully rendered masterpieces.

Her works often engage the viewer with a moral value, she believes strongly in the preservation of our planet and painting provides her with an instrument in which her views can be expressed to the greater community