Adriana Seserko | Black Magic | SOLD


Black Magic | 2019

Adriana Seserko

76.5 x 58 cm

Acrylic and ink on paper

Gracing the northern tip of Queensland, the midnight black and crimson-cheeked palm cockatoo enchants all with its beauty. The palm cockatoo’s conservation status is listed as vulnerable, its population is on the decline. Loss of Habitat due to mining operations, Australia’s lack of adequate environmental laws is hurtling these magnificent creatures towards extinction. With high demand, the mining business will undoubtedly increase economic profits. Yet at what price?  

Works by William Morris inspired me to create this piece. Morris’ art celebrates the beauty of nature, depicting natural forms such as flowers and animals. Black Magic too rejoices in the grandeur of the natural world whilst highlighting its vulnerability.




Adriana Seserko

Born: 1990

Adriana has been painting most of her life. Her attention to the finer detail gives her the ability to create beautifully rendered masterpieces.

Her works often engage the viewer with a moral value, she believes strongly in the preservation of our planet and painting provides her with an instrument in which her views can be expressed to the greater community