Adriana Seserko | Mirage | SOLD


Mirage | 2019

Adriana Seserko

60 cm round panel
Polymer clay and acrylic on Birch

When one thinks of a mirage, a stereotypical Hollywood-like movie scene comes to mind. The image that is conjured is universal. Camels laden with weary travellers traverse a seemingly endless scorched desert. In vain they seek the glistening ripples of water on the near horizon that promise relief from dehydration and heat. As we are all aware, the water that beckoned was merely an illusion, and only more sand and mocking blue sky is to be found in place of the oasis.

 It has occurred to me that city living is not too unlike a mirage. City dwellers live the illusion. They are insulated and ignorant of the true state of affairs just outside of the city confines. The unrealistic dreams that make up a metropolis act as a barrier, blinding with smoke and mirrors. Outside my window, a green slice of paradise that is abundant with life greets me. To see it, one cannot be blamed for thinking that water is plentiful. It is only when one ventures out of the city, that the reality of climate change on our fragile natural environment becomes evident. The green oasis that is my garden contrasts starkly with parched and dying Australian bush. The eye is tortured with varying shades of dreary brown. The grass that was is no more, bare earth and dust now lay in its place. Rivers, creeks, and water catchments that were flowing with life giving water, are now bone dry. Eucalypts are stressed and dying. Native animals struggle to survive, as food and water are scarce. More than ever is the humble garden imperative. Gardens are in effect, wildlife sanctuaries that provide food, water, and shelter to our native feathered, furry, and scaly counterparts. And at a time when the garden can be of such great value to our suffering wildlife, water restrictions are imminent. I fully understand the need to conserve the little water we have left, but still hope in vain that it will soon rain. I despair, how bleak our future is as climate change takes hold.


Mirage detail 2. Adriana Seserko. Day Gallery.jpg


Adriana Seserko

Born: 1990

Adriana has been painting most of her life. Her attention to the finer detail gives her the ability to create beautifully rendered masterpieces.

Her works often engage the viewer with a moral value, she believes strongly in the preservation of our planet and painting provides her with an instrument in which her views can be expressed to the greater community