Henry Thomas Robjohns | Hunters Hill 1897 | SOLD Henry Thomas Robjohns, NA2020Phillip SageDecember 16, 2023Australian History
Adriana Seserko | An Inconvenient Truth Adriana Seserko, NA2020VINCENT DayDecember 9, 2023Contemporary, Australian
Adriana Seserko | State of Silence Adriana Seserko, NA2020VINCENT DayDecember 9, 2023Contemporary, Australian
Lionel Lindsay | Camellias 1931 stockroom artist, Lionel Lindsay, NA2020Phillip SageDecember 7, 2023Australian
Lionel Lindsay | Bignonia 1925 stockroom artist, Lionel Lindsay, NA2020Phillip SageDecember 7, 2023Australian
Lionel Lindsay | Prince Alberts Curassow 1935 stockroom artist, Lionel Lindsay, NA2020Phillip SageDecember 7, 2023Australian
Lionel Lindsay | The White Peacock 1925 stockroom artist, Lionel Lindsay, NA2020Phillip SageDecember 7, 2023Australian
Jane Stapleford | Common Wombat | SOLD Jane Stapleford EX 2023VINCENT DayDecember 4, 2023Contemporary
Jane Stapleford | Wattle Bird Jane Stapleford EX 2023, Jane StaplefordVINCENT DayDecember 1, 2023Contemporary
Jane Stapleford | Black Cockatoos | SOLD Jane Stapleford EX 2023VINCENT DayDecember 1, 2023Contemporary
Jane Stapleford | Blue Wren Jane Stapleford EX 2023, NA2020, Jane StaplefordVINCENT DayDecember 1, 2023Contemporary
Jane Stapleford | Boobook and the Gumtree | SOLD Jane Stapleford EX 2023VINCENT DayDecember 1, 2023Contemporary
Jane Stapleford | Boobook Owl Jane Stapleford EX 2023, Jane StaplefordVINCENT DayDecember 1, 2023Contemporary
Jane Stapleford | Boobook sitting on a tree Jane Stapleford EX 2023, Jane StaplefordVINCENT DayDecember 1, 2023Contemporary